Founder of The Fairfax Street Choir  1972-2019
"Train To Glory,  Smilin' Makes Your Wrinkles Go Away,  Here In My Heart, Let Your Light Guide You Home,  Angel Of Darkness,  Easy Easy, Looking For A Resting Place, Give Me Wings,  Hosanna In The Highest, Rise Up."                                                                 Marla Hunt Hanson

These were the days of Wonder, the days of self discovery, and most of all the days of music. It seemed like music drove the youth of the Nation and my small part was to be the piano player and Director  for the Fairfax Street Choir. 

I came from a musical family. Everyone sang or played an instrument. I am told that the first song I learned on the piano was Brahms Lullaby and by the time I was 8 I had taught myself the first two movements of the "Moonlight Sonata" by listening to a 78 record.

Singing with the Choir was so much fun and playing with the Street Choir Band was fabulous. I learned so much.

This picture was taken up on Mount Tamalpais in June of 1976  at the
"Rainbow Festival Of Light" It was wonderful being that thin back then. Judy Allison and Carolyn Gauthier are behind me in this choir shot.
Golden days, good friends, and great memories!
ANGEL OF DARKNESS, which is on the "Let Your Light Guide You Home" CD, was a challenge to everyone. In 2013 Rick Walt and I listened to the live versions of the song, sometimes laughing so hard we could barely catch our breath and sometimes in stark terror as we realized how out of tune some of our singing was on some of the tracks. In 2019 Clyde Niesen was able to fix the more serious glitches (out of tune singing will be called glitches from now on) and it made us feel better along with some aspirin and possibly some of whatever was in the bottle Rick is holding in the picture. David Carlson's  guitar playing captured the essence of the beautiful Dark Angel that inspired this song. Clyde Niesen was the miracle worker who healed the glitches and snags enough so that I would allow it to be put on the "Let Your Light Guide You Home Cd".